Richard's Photons: Blog en-us (C) Richard McDonald [email protected] (Richard's Photons) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:50:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:50:00 GMT testing blog tool IC434, Barnard 33 (the Horse Head Nebula), and NGC2024 (the Flame Nebula).1.5 hours of H-Alpha exposure (6 x 10 minute + 2 x 15 minute), SXV-H9 camera with Astronomik H-Alpha filter, on SV80S refractoIC434, Barnard 33 (the Horse Head Nebula), and NGC2024 (the Flame Nebula).1.5 hours of H-Alpha exposure (6 x 10 minute + 2 x 15 minute), SXV-H9 camera with Astronomik H-Alpha filter, on SV80S refracto

]]> [email protected] (Richard's Photons) Horsehead B33 Barnard 33 Flame nebula Mon, 22 Jun 2015 06:30:13 GMT Eschaton 2012 I had the pleasure of attending Eschaton 2012 last weekend, a conference co-hosted by Ottawa Skeptics and CFI Ottawa. This brought several prominent science educators and advocates to Ottawa for a weekend of lectures and discussions, including several people authors whose books and blogs I enjoy.

I was particularly thrilled to be able to sit with Dr. Eugenie Scott (Director, National Center for Science Education) to listen to a lecture by Dr. PZ Myers (professor of biology, University of Minnesota), then tour the birds and dinosaurs galleries of Ottawa's Natural History Museum with these distinguished scientists.

[email protected] (Richard's Photons) Sun, 09 Dec 2012 15:12:07 GMT
Trying Zenfolio After the shocking price increase announcement that came by surprise from my previous image hoster (smug) last night, I'm giving Zen a try.  It always seemed a close contest to me, and now Zen's price for a similar service set is about the same as the amount of the increase just announced by Smug. 

Registration was easy, and there are tools for easy image migration, one of which I have running now.

[email protected] (Richard's Photons) Sat, 01 Sep 2012 12:02:50 GMT